Team Development

Staff Engagement

Strategic Planning

Our greatest organizational resource is the people who make up our teams. People also happen to be the most complicated part of leading and developing an organization. The Advantage Mill provides several approaches to team development and staff engagement. These seeming soft issues have a significant impact on your bottom line. Don’t navigate these waters alone because they can be confusing and dark.

The Advantage Mill is here to help. We clarify what motivates you and your team, demonstrate new understanding of your team, and equip your organization for higher achievement.

Let's unlock your staff together!

Clarify. Demonstrate. Equip.

We solve people problems and mysteries!

For sure, sometimes we need to solve people problems and poor performance. Those are the obvious times that The Advantage Mill can help. But, what if you think things are going great? Can your people do better? We think so, because better understanding and fulfillment leads to better performance.

A note from Al

Business research has come a long way in the last 30 years or so. Technology changes in industry have allowed us to track supply chains, inventories, processes, and material costs in ways we never dreamed possible. For determined leadership, understanding manufacturing costs, marketing impact, and margins has never been so achievable…but a clear look at those hard concepts doesn’t give a complete picture of an organization. Organizations are people and people are hard to measure…how do you decide if trust exists with a colleague, or if you can have passionate debate with team member?

These are the things that occupy my time. While we can have the most cost effective, financially savvy, and technologically proficient organizations ever, poor organizational health will render all those things weak, because when the culture is unhealthy, the organization is losing money and efficiency.

I’ve experienced this personally and have spent plenty of nights lying awake tryhing to figure these things out. Take a few minutes to peruse our website and check out the tools we use. We’ve seen fantastic results with some organizations. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see your company meet more of its potential.

The Bottom Line

Satisfied employees are motivated employees. Investing in your teams through The Advantage Mill demonstrates value for your teams and lets them know you want the best for them. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know, and if you don’t know how much better your teams can be, you don’t know how much money you are leaving on the table!

Taking Advantage…

Click over to our blog page…you’ll find short leadership articles with practical applications as well as some brief summaries of good leadership books to help you select your next read!