I’m a Genius, She’s a Genius, Wouldn’t You Like to be a Genius Too?

Part 6 of 7 By Al Mills

Six Types of Working Genius:  Enablement

The Six Types of Working Genius uses the acronym WIDGET.  Widget represents six categories of work that are necessary for almost any type of project.  Usually, people discover that two of those categories really inspire and energize them.  Read on to learn about the fifth category, Enablement.

Enablers have gotten a bad rap over the years, and maybe it’s been earned for those that understand enabling in the traditional sense; someone facilitates unhealthy or poor behaviour in another.

When it comes to Working Genius, Enablers play an entirely different role.  Within the context of Working Genius, an Enabler provides team members with the tools they need to get the job done.  Enablers might find themselves helping team members understand how to operate equipment, or teaching the how-to of a task.  Other Enablers may find themselves at a helpdesk, engineering the layout of an assembly line, or simply giving wise advice on how to handle tough situations.

If you are an Enabler, these elements of supporting the team will energize you and provide you with joy.  As much as this type of activity will motivate and energize an Enabler, they sometimes have a tendency to discount their value in this role as it seems to be less of a challenge.  Enablers increase morale, and provide ways for teams to continue to function in a smooth and efficient manner, yet because the role comes naturally to Enablers, it might be dismissed as just being a nice person.

Don’t make this mistake when it comes to your role on the team or project.  Enablers provide an invaluable contribution to the functioning of a team and the accomplishment of a project.  If “being nice” is part of your personality, it doesn’t mean that the enablement that naturally comes from that isn’t a big deal for the team.

In fact, the need for Enablers is quite profound.  Teams that lack enablers struggle with putting legs on innovations and are absent of the type of support that is required to successfully complete projects and flourish as teams.

In addition, there’s a subtle advantage and benefit to Enablers’ presence on the team.  Enablers are often great team players.  Because of their natural tendency to help and support they find it easier to support the team absent of personal agendas or political motivations.  Not only does this help improve the overall morale of the team, it also provides a model of good team behaviour for the rest of the team. 

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes of Working Genius, and Enablers can be great leaders.  Demonstrating quality team membership, and unconditional support for other team members and projects, Enablers can be cast in leadership roles and respond well to the support needs of the team.  Remembering that one of the most important roles a leader can embody is the development and empowerment of team members, Enablers are especially suited to accomplish these goals.

If one of your Geniuses is Enablement, don’t miss out on the opportunity to live into a role that energizes and motivates you.  The more you can live into this role the better your chance for work and life satisfaction.  Team members will look to you not only for support, but as a team member who exemplifies the best that people can bring to the team.

Next:  Tenacity

Al Mills is the lead consultant and founder of The Advantage Mill, a company dedicated to bringing out the best in the workplace. You can find the website at www.theadvantagemill.com.