Build a New House

By Al Mills In 1979 my parents purchased a farmhouse and an orchard field in Nova Scotia.  The house had been empty for a couple of years and it showed.  It was like a time capsule.  In the basement was a large wood furnace and a closet full of preserves

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part VI

Part 6 of 6 By Al Mills Inattention to Results Key Symptom:  Status and Ego I’m sure there’s not a team out there that wouldn’t become defensive when confronted with a claim that they are not results oriented.  Of course, we are results oriented, but which results, and to what

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part V

Part 5 of 6 By Al Mills Avoidance of Accountability Key Symptom:  Low Standards The importance of safety and security in relationships and team work is one that’s hard to overstate.  So much practical functionality is built on the matter of trust which is the foundation for teams that function

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part IV

Part 4 of 6 By Al Mills Lack of Commitment Key Symptom:  Ambiguity I remember one night in high school I was going to a dance and my mother didn’t really want me to, so she told me I had to be home by 10:00 PM.  I assured her I

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part III

Part 3 of 6 By Al Mills Fear of Conflict Key Symptom:  Artificial Harmony Moving up the scale on Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions, from the foundational Absence of Trust we move on to Fear of Conflict.  It seems a bit counter-intuitive but until we trust each other, it’s not possible to