Part 2 of 7 By Al Mills Six Types of Working Genius: Wonder The Six Types of Working Genius uses the acronym WIDGET. Widget represents six categories of work that are necessary for almost any type of project. Usually, people discover that two of those categories really inspire and energize them. Read on to learn about the first category, Wonder. The Lewis Carroll classic Alice in Wonderland paints a fantastic picture of a world in […]
Category: Team Development
I’m a Genius, She’s a Genius, Wouldn’t You Like to be a Genius Too?
Part 1 of 7 By Al Mills A short while ago, I had the privilege of working with an Operations Team leader named Jean. Jean and I had a fantastic rapport and she did a superb job of leading a team of 12 diverse people responsible for various aspects of a conference during which we would host 400 to 600 people. This included food, refreshments, registrations, technical requirements, IT, facility, and serving guests. The event […]
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part VI
Part 6 of 6 By Al Mills Inattention to Results Key Symptom: Status and Ego I’m sure there’s not a team out there that wouldn’t become defensive when confronted with a claim that they are not results oriented. Of course, we are results oriented, but which results, and to what end? Solid teams have absolute clarity about the goals they are pursuing, and hold each other accountable for team related results. As a dysfunction, inattention […]
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part V
Part 5 of 6 By Al Mills Avoidance of Accountability Key Symptom: Low Standards The importance of safety and security in relationships and team work is one that’s hard to overstate. So much practical functionality is built on the matter of trust which is the foundation for teams that function well. When it comes to accountability the issue really becomes acute. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who recently had Caesar salad, garlic […]
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Part IV
Part 4 of 6 By Al Mills Lack of Commitment Key Symptom: Ambiguity I remember one night in high school I was going to a dance and my mother didn’t really want me to, so she told me I had to be home by 10:00 PM. I assured her I would be home on time, but I knew I had no intention of being home ‘til at least midnight. I always found it easier to […]