Part 2 of 7 By Al Mills
Six Types of Working Genius: Wonder
The Six Types of Working Genius uses the acronym WIDGET. Widget represents six categories of work that are necessary for almost any type of project. Usually, people discover that two of those categories really inspire and energize them. Read on to learn about the first category, Wonder.
The Lewis Carroll classic Alice in Wonderland paints a fantastic picture of a world in which incredible things were possible, in a sense, that is exactly what Wonderers do!
Wonderers are necessary catalysts when it comes to accomplishing things in life. Wonderers look at the organization, business, campaign, or project from high altitude. They look at the big picture and while it may look like they are sitting at their desks daydreaming…that’s exactly what they are doing. Daydreaming about a better way to do something, or a new approach to a market, or even a new market altogether. They might be thinking about a brand-new company to accomplish something never before done, and they could be an industrial disruptor. Or maybe they just wondered if there’s a better way to package products or to greet clients. Whatever the case, Wonderers are asking big questions.
In general terms, we consider Wonderers to be disruptors. They disrupt a way of thinking with questions that catalyze thinking and rethinking. Experience has shown what happens when Wonderers are absent from any organization. Kodak faced this when digital cameras were making their entrance into the marketplace. The digital camera represented a new and disruptive technology, and Kodak missed its opportunity to be a player in the digital photography market. Somewhere, someone was wondering about a better way to take photographs and store them. Kodak’s lack of action toward a new market product and way to do business reflects an absence of Wonderers, a missed opportunity to lead a market, and a marked decrease in market share.
If one of your Working Geniuses is Wonder, high-altitude thinking should energize you and bring fulfillment to your role. If you are part of a team that has done The Six Types of Working Genius as a team, then full team discussions will help everyone on the team leverage their Geniuses, and avoid their Frustrations. If you’ve done the Working Genius assessment on your own, make sure you have a good conversation with those you work with. Finding ways to use your Geniuses in your role are not only fulfilling for you as an individual, but also provides the best opportunity for the organization to flourish.
Wonderers are a magnificent asset to organizations and need to have the freedom to wonder without guilt, as sometimes taking some moments to wonder can look a little unproductive. Rethinking our understanding of productive work might help us better value the roles of those who work and are energized in divergent ways from our own.
Organizations without Wonderers have a tendency to continue with old ideas, or recycling the same ones over and over again. Without Wonderers, organizations can miss out on the dynamism and vibrancy of a growing and evolving company.
When Wonderers reveal their wonderings to others, things start to happen. A disruptive Wonderer passes along her ideas to others and one of those others is going to be an Inventor. Now the ball is rolling and a productive process is underway.
Next: Invention
Al Mills is the lead consultant and founder of The Advantage Mill, a company dedicated to bringing out the best in the workplace. You can find the website at